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T.R. Robinson

Reach the Top with "The Daily I List"

What is “The Daily I List?”  Simply put “The Daily I List” is a collection of positive affirmations you read and recite aloud each day.  "The Daily I List” reinforces your core beliefs and character traits.  Written in the present tense, the “I List” does not live in the future or past.  In fact, the power of the “I List” only lasts 24 hours from sunup to sunup of the next day.  Your “I List” is a commitment to “Carpe Diem,” or seize the day. 

Much has been studied and written about the power of making  the use of positive affirmations  a daily ritual in your life.  One major proponent of positive affirmations was the late motivational speaker, author, and trainer Zig Ziglar.  I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Zig at one of his seminars held in Cleveland.  I walked away impressed at how genuine and caring he was.  Zig was “the Real Deal.” An example of his affirmations can be found at the link  Zig Ziglar daily affirmations

I have experienced, firsthand, the effects of writing down and reciting daily positive affirmations.  I choose to read my list early in the morning to start my day off right.  There is evidence, however,  that reciting your list before bedtime will multiply the positive effects.  Below are two examples from my experience I wanted to share with you:

Improved my athletic performance:

At Baldwin-Wallace College I competed for the varsity placekicker job on the football team. In 1977,  as a freshman, my kicking efforts were average at best as I shared kicking duties with a number of teammates.  The next year, in 1978, I earned the position of first-string kicker due to my improved kicking performance.  By the conclusion of the 1978 season the  BW Yellow Jackets had become the Division III National Champions.  I accomplished an almost perfect extra point record making 54 out of 55 kicks. During the course of the season, I set an extra point kicking accuracy record both for BW and the NCAA Division III playoffs.

What was the difference between my Freshman and Sophomore seasons?  I attribute much of my success to incorporating daily positive affirmations into my life.  After the 1977 season I was introduced by some of my teammates to the benefits of  creating a Positive Mental Attitude.  I devoured books on the subject and made a commitment to put daily affirmations to work.  During the summer before the 1978 season, I embarked on a daily routine of speaking the following positive mantra: “I make every extra point.”  I said this aloud every morning and throughout the day as I visualized my kicks splitting the uprights.  The results were amazing, and I became a believer in the power of the “Daily I List.”

In closing this little story remembering my “Glory Days,” I wanted to make it clear that every kick I made was a team effort.  There is no “I” in team.  First our offense had to score a touchdown.  Second, the special team offensive line had to stop the opposing team from blocking the kick.  Next, the center had to snap the ball just right, and the holder had to place the ball on the turf laces out.  I then had 1.25 seconds to kick the ball.  With the help of my teammates, I split the uprights 54 times that year.  Thanks fellas. 


My recovery from emergency brain aneurysm surgery:

One April Fool’s Day morning, my wife and I were taking an early morning walk. Feeling slightly dizzy during the walk, I arrived back home and experienced an excruciating pain behind my right eye.  I stumbled into the house and was soon unable to form coherent sentences.  My wife, Maggie, called 911.  After a quick ambulance ride to the Lakewood Hospital emergency room, I was diagnosed with a burst brain aneurysm.  Eleven hours of emergency brain surgery ensued. An induced coma followed.

After awakening from my coma in post-op I began rehabilitation to regain the use of my left side.  While not fully paralyzed, my left arm and leg were of little use.  The left side of my face was slightly paralyzed making speech difficult. 

Each day I was focused on trying to move and put weight on my left leg, improving my fine motor skills by picking up paper clips, and learning how to speak without slurring my words.  My “Daily I List” changed focus and had nothing to do with athletic performance.  The “ I List" now included such affirmations as:

·       I am healing.

·       I feel better today.

·       My left leg is stronger.

·       I can stand up.

·       My left arm and hand are strong.

·       I am picking up all the paper clips with my left hand.

·       I am articulate.

I could feel the strength building in my left leg.  Soon, I could stand up.  I even started to take walks in the ICU corridor.   At first I was unable to pick up a single paper clip as I would sweat profusely trying to force my left hand to work.  Now, picking up  20 paper clips was no task at all.  My final rehab task was to do something work related. Since I was CFP,  I planned a short seminar on retirement planning for the nurses who had been so crucial to my recovery. 

Although there were a few setbacks, anticipation for a trip home began to build as I improved.  To this day I am confident reciting my “Daily I List” and the overall positive outlook which resulted from this daily routine were major forces contributing to my journey back.

In closing, let me encourage you to make the “Daily I List” part of your morning and/or nighttime routine.  We need a positive bulwark against all the negativity confronting us today: 

·       24-hour news inundates us with calamities and crises near and far. 

·     Political pundits and “talking heads” seem to look deep into our souls as they simply read from teleprompters.  We watch and listen as they gleefully weave stories about the latest gaff or evil intentions of the candidate we support. 

Stay positive and focus on improving each day.  Carpe Diem!  Having a Positive Mental Attitude will affect your life making it more fulfilling and purposeful.

In closing, I would love to hear stories about how using positive affirmations or having a positive outlook improved your life.  Please leave a comment on my website at the bottom of the blog. 

For more resources on living an informed and positive lifestyle sign up for my free monthly E-newsletter in the comment section at the bottom and check out my book "Words To Live By" at:

Thank you and God Bless.

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