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Trump's Commonsense Revolution


On January 20th, 2025, President Trump gave numerous speeches including his inaugural address.  During these speeches he spoke of many things.  In this blog I want to share my initial thoughts about this watershed moment in United States political history.  I will focus on the overall tone and the major theme of a “Common Sense Revolution” that President Trump has set for his new administration.  Future blogs will address more detailed discussions on policy.

To begin with, I believe we have just witnessed the birth of a new Populist Movement in the United States.  The “Common Sense Revolution” attracted new voting blocks for the Trump campaign from voters the Democrats could traditionally count on to vote blue regardless of the candidate.  Attempts by the Biden Administration and Democrats to eliminate Trump as a candidate actually backfired and added fuel to the Trump campaign.  The billionaire candidate was now viewed as one of us, anyone who has felt unjustly treated by the government.  In fact, I believe he even reached the status of martyr in some circles.

The Trump Populist Movement is characterized by giving a voice to the common person outside of “The Beltway.”   I believe the election of November 2024 will go down in history as one of the most consequential in the history of our Republic. The three tenants of Trump Populism are:

·       America first.

·       Primacy of our U.S. Constitution.

·       Listening to the needs of the people beyond the “Beltway,” while at the same time letting the Washington Elite know it will not be business as usual.  Re-emphasizing the promise made by President Abraham Lincoln in his  Gettysburg  Address as he honored the fallen:                                                                                                              

“…that this nation, under God, will have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Tone:  “For such a time as this”

I believe President Trump’s tone for his second term was set by the failed assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania.  President Trump believes the hand of God was on him that sunny day.  It was not luck or happenstance that caused the assassin’s bullet to miss that day.  Instead, a slight turn of his head meant the difference between life and death.  At this moment President Trump’s life changed forever.  President Trump, more than ever, is a man  inspired by God and will approach his second term with a “missionary zeal.”  Time is short to accomplish all he has promised the American people.  “For such a time as this,” is the tone set for Trump 2.0.

Theme:  “Promise of a Commonsense Revolution.”

The  theme of Trump’s second term is the  “Promise of a Commonsense Revolution.” It is my hope this Commonsense Revolution will rest on the following Four Pillars:

Pillar One:  Common Sense Economic policy

·       Access to business opportunities is unencumbered by suffocating regulation and stifling government oversight.

·       Unleash the power of our domestic energy resources.

·       Reduce inflation and income taxes,

·       Become the world’s business incubator and attract capital investment with a made in America policy.

·       implement a foreign trade policy that is favorable to the U.S trade balance by expanding exports.


Pillar Two:  Common Sense security at home and abroad. 

·       Close both the northern and southern borders to all immigration.  No walk-up access. Anyone desiring to immigrate to the U.S. will apply for legal admission in their country of origin and be vetted at our U.S. Mission located there.  Highly secured and monitored entry points at the border wall will be available for commercial use.  Establish  a 21st century version of Roman mile forts used at Hadrian’s Wall to keep border secure.

·       Deport criminal illegal aliens and eliminate foreign gangs in the U.S.  Living in the U.S. is a privilege to be earned through legal means not a “right” of the world’s population to enter illegally.

·       Empower and re-fund local police departments to be more effective in protecting our law-abiding citizenry.

·       Strengthen the lethality of our military.  Combine innovative technology with traditional warfighter training, eliminating all DEI and woke policies.  

·       Secure the Panama Canal.

Pillar Three:  Common Sense Social Policies

·       While you cannot legislate morality,  encourage traditional American values promoting the three “F’s”  Faith in God, Family, Freedom

·       Promote success and innovation in America through a merit-based system.  Can you say bye…bye DEI. 

·       Develop a commonsense bipartisan legal process for citizenship, complete with fines and integration programs to bring illegals out of the shadows.  Only those illegals who have not been convicted of a crime warranting their deportation are eligible.  No fine payment or completion of integration program will initiate deportation procedure.   . It will take years to implement and will probably result in unrest among illegals, but it is critical that bipartisan compromise be reached.   The long-term benefits to our country of illegals earning their citizenship by creating in them a sense of ownership in  priceless.


Pillar Four:  Common Sense Government efficiency, spending, and bipartisanship

·       Support DOGE’s goal to make our federal government more efficient.  Support their efforts to “trim the fat” at the federal level.  Their efforts will meet resistance as entrenched “Deep State” interests will be committed to protecting their turf. 

·       Frugality in spending taxpayer funds in the role of a fiduciary instead of acting like a “kid in a candy store” wasting taxpayer dollars on the latest shiny object..  Paraphrasing David Crockett admonishing members of the House of Representatives in the 1820’s, “Money in the U.S. Treasury is not ours to give as we please.”

·       A U.S. Legislature motivated by the quest for common ground as advocates of the will of their constituents vs. self-dealing partisan politics or turf wars.

Warning to Patriots:

There is a feeling of optimism and  hope among the American population as the new Trump  Administration takes office.  At the same time there is a growing respect for the U.S. among foreign friend and foe alike.  I liken this new feeling and respect to that which I felt when President Reagan was elected.

I want to close this blog by reminding everyone of President Reagan’s warning on the fragility of our Republic.  Globalist and Anti-American forces are more committed than ever to destroying the American Republic we know and love.  Our patriotic victory in the 2024 election will not stop the propaganda machine from creating more “Fake News,” personal attacks and political maneuvers to stop the MAGA agenda.

As a student of history, I am reminded that political upheaval and change can come about when a small, but dedicated group are willing to adhere to the Machiavellian principle of “the ends justify the means.”  The Bolshevik’s (Bolshevik means minority in Russian), rise to power during the Russian Revolution is the prime example of how this type of political movement can be successful..

We are at a critical juncture in the future of our Republic…the birth of The Commonsense Revolution.”  The “Commonsense Promise” is most fragile in its infancy.  Constant vigilance and activism by informed and responsible Patriots is critical.  Whether a “D, R, or I” follows your name let us come together in our shared love for this experiment known as the United States of America. Patriots who love our country will be a bulwark against domestic and foreign enemies.  We can fulfill the promise of our Founding Fathers to make the United States a more perfect Union.

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